CSM Database

Meeting 4.008

28 Mar 2010

Meeting Minutes: Wiki | Pdf | Raw

ElvenLord, Zastrow, TeaDaze, Mrs Trzzbk, Korvin, Z0D, Sokratesz, Helen Highwater (alt), T'Amber (alt)

Song Li

Alekseyev Karrde, Farscape Hw (alt), Meissa Anunthiel (alt), Serenity Steele (alt)

Meeting started at 18:08

Voting Results
ElvenLordZastrowTeaDazeMrs TrzzbkKorvinZ0DSokrateszHelen Highwater (alt)T'Amber (alt)
1. Improve POS missile batteriesTeaDaze
2. AFK ButtonSokratesz Already raised by previous CSM
3. Allow reactivation of accidentally deactivated modulesTeaDaze
4. Distinguish between afterburners and microwarpdrives with different iconsSokratesz
5. Eve font changes - Progress requestedTeaDaze No vote required
6. Sound issuesTeaDaze  
7. Issue when Copying and pasting links in ChatTeaDaze
8. Development Assessment ListNobody

Meeting Finished at 19:03

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