Meeting took place Sun 20th Dec at 18:18
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Present: ElvenLord, Alekseyev Karrde, Zastrow, TeaDaze, Mrs Trzzbk, Korvin, Z0D, Song Li, Sokratesz, Helen Highwater (alt), T’Amber (alt)
Absent: Farscape Hw (alt), Meissa Anunthiel (alt), Serenity Steele (alt)
Passed 9/0
Failed 6/3 (Z0D, Song Li, Sokratesz).
3. Black Ops Improvements, Part 2
Passed 9/0
4. FW complex NPCs and standings (Part 2)
Passed 9/0
5. FW Complex Spawning Issues Part 2
Passed 9/0
6. T2 sentry drone skill inconsistency
Failed 5/4 (ElvenLord, Alekseyev Karrde, Z0D, Sokratesz)
The general feeling was the proposal was too narrow and a full review of drones would be better.
Amended proposal Passed 9/0
Failed 8/1 (Alekseyev Karrde)
The proposal for a 5km activation range Passed 8/1 (Korvin)
Passed 9/0
Sokratesz wanted to amend the proposal so narrow scans took less time which ElvenLord agreed to add to the proposal.
11. Bring Logistics Warp Speed In-Line with T2 Ships
Passed 9/0
12. Modular Starbase
Passed 9/0
13. Shared Corporation Bookmark
Amended proposal Passed 8/1 (Korvin)
Passed 9/0
15. Broadcast “In position” improvement
Passed 7/2 (Zastrow, Mrs Trzzbk)
After discussion this was split into 4 votes
Self Destruct should revoke insurance
Passed 7/2 (Mrs Trzzbk, Korvin)
Self-destruct should generate killmail
Passed 7/2 (TeaDaze, Song Li)
Self-destruct should “overheat” all modules
Failed 7/2 (Alekseyev Karrde, Sokratesz)
Self-destruct timer depends on ship size
Passed 8/1 (Korvin)
Other Business
Next meeting at 14:00 eve time on Jan 3rd 2010