Meeting took place Sun 3rd Jan at 14:22
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Present: ElvenLord, Alekseyev Karrde, Zastrow (Late), TeaDaze, Korvin (Late), Z0D, Song Li, Sokratesz, Helen Highwater (alt), T’Amber (alt) (Afk at first)
Absent:: Mrs Trzzbk, Farscape Hw (alt), Meissa Anunthiel (alt), Serenity Steele (alt)
1. Alliance action confirmation windows
Passed 7 for, 0 against (T’Amber was AFK and 7 is the minimum number of votes required)
2. Identify and remove price ceilings
Proposal put on hold for reworking.
3. Mining crystals change colour of mining laser beam
Passed 6 for, 1 against (Helen Highwater)
Passed 9 for, 0 against
5. Standings list import/export
Proposal put on hold for reworking.
Proposal failed 7 against, 2 for (Alekseyev Karrde, Korvin)
Passed 9 for, 0 against
8. Boost Warfare Links and Revisit Information Warfare
The first vote was on a buff to the EOS.
Passed 9 for, 0 against
The second vote was on “Looking into Fleet links and possible fix together with CCP”
Passed 9 for, 0 against
Passed 8 for, 1 against (Helen Highwater)
10. Tracking for Fighters lost in combat
Passed 6 for, 3 against (ElvenLord, Z0D, Korvin)
Amended proposal passed 9 for, 0 against
15. Suicide Ganking Discussion
Vote passed 7 for, 2 against (Zastrow, Helen Highwater)
Duplicate of topic 4, no further discussion
13. Lock Characters to Prevent Theft
Proposal put on hold for reworking
14. Put More Faction Items On Market
Amended proposal Passed 9 for, 0 against
Other Business
The list of proposals needs to be submitted to CCP by 28th January.
Next CSM meeting will be at 15:00 Eve time on Jan 17th 2010