Meeting took place Sun 17th Jan at 15:20

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Present: ElvenLord, Alekseyev Karrde, Zastrow, TeaDaze, Mrs Trzzbk, Z0D, Song Li, Sokratesz, Helen Highwater (alt), T’Amber (alt)
Absent: Korvin, Farscape Hw (alt), Meissa Anunthiel (alt), Serenity Steele (alt)


1. Overhaul of roles and grantable roles system

Passed 9 for

2. Kill mails

Passed 9 for

3. shield bonuses

Failed, 7 against, 2 for (Z0D, Sokratesz)

4. FW – CCP Inaction Towards Bugs/Exploits

Passed 9 for

5. FW – Lack of Development Part 2

Passed 7 for 1 against (Helen Highwater)

(Editors note: Zastrow was classed as AFK having not voted on the previous two issues and there were not enough alternates this time to make 9 votes, however the minimum for an issue to be valid is 7 votes)

6. Lock Characters to Prevent Theft

Passed 9 for

7. Scan-able wrecks&containers for the salvager profession(1.2)

Amended proposal Passed 8 for 1 against (Mrs Trzzbk)

Other Business

The next meeting was set for Jan 24th at 14:00 Eve time.

Meeting ended at 17:27