Meeting took place Sun 24th Jan at 14:22
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Present: ElvenLord, Alekseyev Karrde, TeaDaze, Korvin, Song Li, Helen Highwater (alt), T’Amber (alt)
Apologies: Sokratesz, Z0D
Absent: Zastrow, Mrs Trzzbk, Farscape Hw (alt), Meissa Anunthiel (alt), Serenity Steele (alt)
Proposal rejected until further details included
Proposal rejected until further details included
3. T3 refitting subsystems at pos / carrier
Proposal was split into two votes
Allow T3 subsystems to be refitted at a POS
Passed 7 for
Allow T3 subsystems to be refitted at ship fitting services
Passed 5 for, 2 against (ElvenLord, Helen Highwater)
Passed 6 for, 1 against (Korvin)
5. Tradable and Subscribable BlockLists (Version #2]
Proposal failed 4 against, 3 for (TeaDaze, Song Li, T’Amber)
6. Scan probes of all types – an addable option to overview profiles
Passed 7 for
7. CCP/CSM meeting issues list (alphabetic)
ElvenLord set out the list
General discussion
Dominion discussion
Unfinished expansions
Customer support
Major issues
2 Account Security Enhancements
3 Battle recorder
4 Balance self-destruction
5 Black Ops Improvements Part 2
6 Boost warfare links and revisit information warfare
7 Destroyer Improvements
8 Docking games fix
9 Forum Censorship
10 Factional Warfare – CCP Inaction Towards Bugs/Exploits
11 Factional Warfare – Lack of Development Part 2
12 Modular Starbase
13 Overhaul of roles and grantable roles system
14 Suicide ganking discussion
15 Shared Corporation Bookmarks
Minor issues
1 Alliance Logos, CSM Intervention Requested
2 Alliance action confirmation windows
3 Bring Logistics Warp Speed In-Line with T2 Ships
4 Broadcast “In position” improvement
5 Directscan improvement
6 FW Complex NPCs and Standings
7 Factional Warfare – Complex Spawning Part 2
8 Fix kill mails
9 Ingame Events Menu
10 Mining crystals change colour of mining laser beam
11 ORE Faction Control Tower
12 Put more faction items on market
13 Scan-able wrecks&containers for the salvager profession(1.2)
14 Scan probes of all types – an addable option to overview profiles
15 Titan bridge range
16 Tracking for fighters lost in combat
17 T3 refitting subsystems at POS / carrier
18 Visible Aggression Indicator in 0.0 Space
19 Watch list and broadcasts
List Passed 7 for
Other Business
The next meeting was set for Sunday 7th February at 15:00
Meeting ended at 15:51