Meeting took place Sun 24th Jan at 14:22

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Present: ElvenLord, Alekseyev Karrde, TeaDaze, Korvin, Song Li, Helen Highwater (alt), T’Amber (alt)
Apologies: Sokratesz, Z0D
Absent: Zastrow, Mrs Trzzbk, Farscape Hw (alt), Meissa Anunthiel (alt), Serenity Steele (alt)


1. Shield bonuses

Proposal rejected until further details included

2. Drone rigs and implants

Proposal rejected until further details included

3. T3 refitting subsystems at pos / carrier

Proposal was split into two votes

Allow T3 subsystems to be refitted at a POS
Passed 7 for

Allow T3 subsystems to be refitted at ship fitting services
Passed 5 for, 2 against (ElvenLord, Helen Highwater)

4. ORE Faction Control Tower

Passed 6 for, 1 against (Korvin)

5. Tradable and Subscribable BlockLists (Version #2]

Proposal failed 4 against, 3 for (TeaDaze, Song Li, T’Amber)

6. Scan probes of all types – an addable option to overview profiles

Passed 7 for

7. CCP/CSM meeting issues list (alphabetic)

ElvenLord set out the list

General discussion
Dominion discussion
Unfinished expansions
Customer support

Major issues
2 Account Security Enhancements
3 Battle recorder
4 Balance self-destruction
5 Black Ops Improvements Part 2
6 Boost warfare links and revisit information warfare
7 Destroyer Improvements
8 Docking games fix
9 Forum Censorship
10 Factional Warfare – CCP Inaction Towards Bugs/Exploits
11 Factional Warfare – Lack of Development Part 2
12 Modular Starbase
13 Overhaul of roles and grantable roles system
14 Suicide ganking discussion
15 Shared Corporation Bookmarks

Minor issues
1 Alliance Logos, CSM Intervention Requested
2 Alliance action confirmation windows
3 Bring Logistics Warp Speed In-Line with T2 Ships
4 Broadcast “In position” improvement
5 Directscan improvement
6 FW Complex NPCs and Standings
7 Factional Warfare – Complex Spawning Part 2
8 Fix kill mails
9 Ingame Events Menu
10 Mining crystals change colour of mining laser beam
11 ORE Faction Control Tower
12 Put more faction items on market
13 Scan-able wrecks&containers for the salvager profession(1.2)
14 Scan probes of all types – an addable option to overview profiles
15 Titan bridge range
16 Tracking for fighters lost in combat
17 T3 refitting subsystems at POS / carrier
18 Visible Aggression Indicator in 0.0 Space
19 Watch list and broadcasts

List Passed 7 for

Other Business

The next meeting was set for Sunday 7th February at 15:00

Meeting ended at 15:51