Meeting took place Sun 7th Feb at 15:17
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Present: ElvenLord, Alekseyev Karrde, TeaDaze, Mrs Trzzbk, Korvin, Z0D, Song Li, Sokratesz, Helen Highwater (alt), T’Amber (alt), Meissa Anunthiel (alt – afk at start)
Absent: Zastrow, Farscape Hw (alt), Serenity Steele (alt)
Vote passed 9 for
2. Tower under Attack Mails to POS Gunners
Vote passed 7 for, 2 against (ElvenLord, Mrs Trzzbk)
3. Increase forum signature file size limitations
Vote passed 8 for, 1 against (Korvin)
Vote passed 8 for, 1 against (Mrs Trzzbk)
Vote passed 5 for, 4 against (Alekseyev Karrde, TeaDaze, Korvin, Song Li)
6. In-Game Account Expiration Countdown
Vote passed 9 for
Other Business
Next online meeting set for March 14th with the time to be announced later.
Meeting closed at 16:33