These minutes were published last week through the usual channels, but I ran out of time before posting them here as well.
So better late than never 😉
Meeting took place Sun 28th March at 18:08
Eve Wiki Link Summary and raw logs
External Downloads Raw Log | PDF Summary
Present: ElvenLord, Zastrow, TeaDaze, Mrs Trzzbk, Korvin, Z0D, Sokratesz, Helen Highwater (alt), T’Amber (alt)
Apologies: Song Li
Absent: Alekseyev Karrde, Farscape Hw (alt), Meissa Anunthiel (alt), Serenity Steele (alt)
1. Improve POS missile batteries
Vote passed 9 for
2. AFK Button
Proposal rejected as a duplicate
3. Allow reactivation of accidentally deactivated modules
Vote passed 7 for, 2 against (Korvin, T’Amber)
4. Distinguish between afterburners and microwarpdrives with different icons
Vote passed 9 for
5. Eve font changes – Progress requested
No vote required
6. Sound issues
Vote passed 8 for (Mrs Trzzbk offline)
7. Issue when Copying and pasting links in Chat
Vote passed 8 for, 1 against (T’Amber)
8. Development Assessment List
This is for CCP development estimation and is not a final priority list!
1 Docking games fix
2 Overhaul of roles and grantable roles system
3 Shared Corporation Bookmarks
4 Station services HP reduction to improve small gang warefare
5 Reintroduction of low-sec DD
6 Directscan improvement
7 FW Complex NPCs and Standings
8 Black Ops Improvements
9 Destroyer Improvements
10 Boost warfare links and revisit information warfare
11 Bring Logistics Warp Speed In-Line with T2 Ships
12 Alliance action confirmation windows
13 T3 refitting subsystems at pos / carrier
14 Scan-able wrecks&containers for the salvager profession(1.2)
15 Scan probes of all types – an addable option to overview profiles
16 Battle recorder
17 Tracking for fighters lost in combat
18 Mining crystals change color of mining laser beam
19 Ingame Events Menu (eve gate iteration)
Vote passed 9 for
Other Business
Next meeting was set for 11th April at 17:00 eve-time
Meeting closed at 19:03