Meeting took place Sun 11th April at 17:17

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Present: ElvenLord, Alekseyev Karrde, Zastrow, TeaDaze, Mrs Trzzbk, Korvin, Z0D, Song Li, Sokratesz, T’Amber (alt)

Absent: Helen Highwater (alt), Farscape Hw (alt), Meissa Anunthiel (alt), Serenity Steele (alt)


1. Experimental Gallente storyline missions

Passed 9 for

2. End ghost (unpaid account) datacore production

Passed 9 for

3. Sources of Mineral Investigation

Passed 9 for

4. Contract Login Update Notification

Passed 9 for

5. View ship fittings in hanger without boarding ship

Passed 9 for

Other Business

The next meeting was set for Sunday May 2nd at 17:00 Eve time.

Meeting closed at 18:16