It has been a busy weekend spreading the word about the CSM in general and my campaign in particular. While teaching an Agony Unleashed PvP Basic class I got the chance to speak with and take questions from the players which was very helpful and enjoyable.

Eve is a not an easy game for the beginner, but it doesn’t need to be dumbed down. Due to the sandbox nature there exists another way. Many corporations will take in newer players to train them (Eve uni, Veto Academy etc), other corporations such as ourselves will train anybody (without having to get the player to join the corp).

After a few short hours of PvP Basic the players have a good grasp of ewar, safespots and other concepts to help them survive in and out of combat. The instructors do this because we enjoy spreading the knowledge and because ultimately (in the case of Agony) we want to fight players in 0.0 who are a challenge.

This kind of training exists because of the Sandbox nature of Eve. I wish to see the players help each other out and have the tools to do so. I am hopeful that with the new IGB changes in dominion that it will be easier for training corporations to provide teaching materials directly in game and I will support any proposals that encourage this.


If voted to the CSM, I will support ways to encourage the education of newer players but will outright reject anything that I feel is dumbing down Eve.

Eve is unique among the MMOs and I would like to keep it that way.